New Limited Edition “Porsche 46” 911 Print. Each comes hand signed with a certificate of authenticity. Available here: Porsche 46
Famous Logos Reimagined
I’ve always loved the idea of playing with famous logos. Their iconic and recognizable nature make them perfect for artistic interpretation. Official collabs or guerilla style “flips” on iconic logos isn’t new. They’ve existed in both street art and apparel. Here’s my signature illustrative and cubist take on some of my favorites including, Nike, Red Bull, Louis Vuitton, Toronto Blues Jays, Heineken, Marlboro, Porsche and more.
New Porsche 911 Illustration
I’ve been a lover of Porsche since as long as I can remember. I used to always want the Porsche 911 hot wheels when I saw them in stores. Anytime I’d play a PlayStation racing game I always picked the Porsche. I utilized my signature illustration style for this piece. Calling this one “Snow White”.